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Part 12 - Unipower GT blog from Cornwall - The reassembly continues

Guy writes - We left off in Blog no 10 with my body going off to the paint shop where huge amounts of time were spent, including hanging the doors, screen surround trial fitted (a really tricky job in a Unipower...even the factory used to struggle with this), filling, sanding and priming.

But, back in the machine shop, the original pancake air filters were repainted, new original factory UNC bolts nuts and washers sorted for them, new beautiful bodywork-grade alloy heatshield made for the boot, their spacers painted and new factory fixings sorted.

I’m using twin 1 ¼” SUs to start with, not the 1 ½”s seen in an earlier blog. This is for the sake of originality. Away from all of this, a brand-new wiring loom has been made, to original spec, thanks to the factory wiring diagram being available from the Club. A 2-day installation job and you can see from the pics, the care being taken with each end soldered and crimped. It’ll be finished very soon and the dashboard will be installed at long last. You can see the front sidelights are in and looking great. Rears will be soon too.

Then, the moment you have all been waiting for…the finish coats are on….amber above, white below and matt black under the bonnet, inside the clamshell and numerous other places. Again, the original factory paint swatches were available (thanks Gerry!) and the paint faithfully copied and mixed.

You will have seen pics of the car arriving from the paint shop with much excitement. Then, two friends helped with the engine installation and the three of us installed it with minimal fuss, much to my amazement!. A proper engine hoist and skilled mates are all you need. Now we really are getting somewhere….

The windscreen and rear window (both new) are due to be fitted professionally tomorrow. (Ed. Yes they were, see below !).

Trimmer visited today and we went through every piece of trim and he took away a motley collection of old carpet as patterns and will return very soon to fit nice newly cut carpet. Really can’t wait for that too…..

Photos copyright of Guy Monty

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Guy Monty
Guy Monty

Hi Rick, thanks for that! Yes, it looks correct doesn't it? The paint guys spent a lot of time getting it right.

The engine is your old genuine Cooper S engine, much reconditioned by Nick Swift. Thankfully, the Metro turbo lump was sold. Yes, the final drive is the 2.7 CW and pinion. We'll see how that goes....I do recall the factory changing diff ratios with the engine in situ. Hmm some special tools needed for that one...

The car will be on the stand looking finished but it'll need a new exhaust manifold (scheduled but not done), brakes bled, wiring finished ( 85% done and working!) and more...there will be loads of pics published for sure.

Cheers G



Lovely. I think the higher 'waist' looks better than the other car where it ran below the door line. Seems better balanced! Is the engine the '1275S' that I had (actually became a 1293). Does it still the the very high final drive?

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